I was quite shocked the other day to be told by a (nondiabetic) friend that my insulin pump never works. I guess my blog gives that impression. Just for the record: yes, it works. It works probably 99% of the time. I blog the exceptions because they're of interest to me and I want to be able to review them later. If I wrote about every time something didn't go wrong, I would quickly drive myself nuts.
Why do I have so many exceptions? Well, step one is noticing. I'm really observant, know my body very well, my diabetes is usually really consistent, and I have excellent control. So, I can generally come up with the answer or a couple possible answers as to why something happened. It's (as you undoubtedly know) not the same for other diabetics. I blog about when the diabetes fairy visits precisely because it's so rare. It makes sense that if the diabetes fairy visited often, you'd have to give up trying to figure things out just to keep from going nuts.
Another important part is that I can tell when my bg goes over 120. I actually get physically ill. This is extremely rare; I've only heard of 2 other people that say they can do it and only one of them gets sick. That's what enables me to do what I do, or, more precisely, requires me to do it. Other factors include my small Total Daily Dose, my unusually consistent insulin absorption, my psychic ability to detect patterns without having a doctor look at my numbers on a chart (hey, I can't explain it), the way John Walsh has no explanation for most things about me. So my diabetes is different from almost everybody else's diabetes, and I find that interesting, so I blog about it. I haven't included a disclaimer in every post because I guess I figured people would remember the disclaimer. Probably I should actually write a disclaimer.
In the scheme of things (for the people that know me), diabetes isn't that huge a deal. Really, I'm much more likely to pass out because I have dysautonomia and neurocardiogenic syncope than from the diabetes.